I just noticed I haven't posted since just before my vacation in April. Where has the time gone???? I have made a few cards since then - I'll get around to uploading in the next few days.
Anyhow.....several months ago, I received the cutest teabag holder from Diane (aka Diane860) on Inkstainers. Just the other day I made one for Marilyn (redhatmarilyn) and I had requests to post a template.
If you right click on the above template picture, save the pic, then print, it should print out the correct size. I tried it and it worked OK for me; however, the printing is faint and hard to make out. You can double left click on the above pic to enlarge it. Then you can see my own printing a lot easier to follow the directions.
How to put together:
1. Cut out the holder from a piece of C/S ( 5- 7/8" long x 3-3/8" wide); score on the marked lines, and punch out with a tiny hole punch where it is marked for the brads. Cut a piece of ribbon 20" long and lay it across the middle of the holder (it stays in place when the rectangles are glued on) Cut two smaller rectangle layers, and a circle. Stamp the circle how you wish. Glue the circle to one of the rectangles and glue it to the right side of the holder. Glue the other rectangle to the left side.
2. Cut out the pouch and score on the marked lines. Fold on the scores bringing the sides towards the centre. Glue together with the wider tab underneath. This makes the pouch. Punch out through all layers where it is marked for the brads. Fold again across the middle where marked. This will make two pockets for the teabags when attached to the holder. Stamp a message inside if you wish. Attach with brads with the seam towards the holder so it is hidden. The brads are placed with the "heads" on the spine of the teabag holder, and the prongs are inside on the pouch.
After I got my pouch all cut out, I figured it would be easier to just cut it in a rectangle shape and use the circle punch to cut out the half-circle areas. That would make cleaner edges than trying to get my scissors around the small area.
Hope this all makes sense! Any questions, please write to me.